The Oriental Rose (Tsubaki)

As far as winter hardiness is concerned, there are several varieties that can really take a beating. (-15 °C / -20 °C)
The following factors must be taken into account for a successful result:
- Your plant must be at least 5 years old, and sufficiently hardened off before it can go into the garden!
- Plant in the spring after the frost! (March April)
- They require an acidic and ferruginous soil that is slightly moist (cannot tolerate clay soil or wet feet).
- If necessary, insert a few rusting nails through the root ball.
- Add low-limescale compost with peat or rich humus soil in the planting hole. (do not plant the root ball deeper! ).
- Water every week during a dry period.
- Never let the root ball of your camellia dry out in the summer, otherwise they will lose their buds prematurely!
- The planting hole may have a diameter of 60 to 80 cm, with a depth of 40 to 50 cm.
- Put filtered light (part shade) and a good mulch layer of leaves around the plant.
- A stand that is sheltered from the east (frost damage from east wind! ).

Camellia jap. Mi-Double-Rose ( - 18°C )

Camellia sasanqua Navajo ( - 15°C )
Camellias like a regular shower of the foliage. In severe winters (-12 to -15 °C) the flower buds may
be affected. You can cover the plant with a fleece cloth. Three years after planting, they can generally thrive on their own.
In general, most Camellia Japonica can withstand -12°C without flower damage, lower temperatures sometimes result in smaller flowers or bud drop. Extreme temperatures (above -15°C) require winter protection.
Choose vigorous plants and ask a specialist grower about their winter hardiness or simply ask us. We have a concise database with plant information based on our own experiences and the findings of colleagues.

Camellia jap. Debbie ( - 12°C )
The Camellia is divided into following types:
1. C. japonica (including C. jap.Higo)
2. C. sasanqua (autumn-flowering)
3. C. hybrids (including Belgian species and C. Williamsii)
4. C. hiemalis
5. C. Vernalis
6. C. Rusticana
7. C. species
For the beginner, the first category is appropriate for the
Guy & Danielle